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The Roma Genocide Map

A project of Yahad-In Unum in Romania

Listening to Romani Voices Working to preserving and sharing Romani stories and memories for future generations and the world.

Discover the Map Archive

Mapping the Genocide of the Roma in Romania and Moldova The site will function as a map-based archive that will be anchored around deportation sites. This will be communicated through the activation of layers overtop of a regional map. The map will also mark locations of known mass graves.


The act or process of removing someone from his home or place of domicile, whether forcibly or via other means of coercion, with the purpose of relocating the individual on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. During National Socialist rule, deportation destinations included ghettos, colonies, concentration camps, municipal camps, and extermination camps.


The temporary detainment of an individual, usually by a government representative or employee. During National Socialist rule, arrests often occurred absent any allegation of illegal conduct, instead stemming from racial or political justifications. Consequently, many law-abiding citizens were arrested by the Nazi Regime and its allies during the 1930s and 1940s.

Mass Graves

Geographic site - usually unmarked and in a remote location – where the bodies of multiple individuals have been deposited and where a mass killing likely took place. In Romania, two groups were responsible for mass civilian killings, German mobile killing units known as Einsatzgruppen , or their Romanian counterpart, Eşalon Special .

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